Free Write 11/4

They are better off in some ways and perfectly fine in others. There are many countries that suffer from lack of food and water. If these countries has the proper technology, such as wells and tools for catching food and ways to store the food, then these people would be much better off. But are they necessarily suffering because they do not have use of a cell phone or a computer? I think not. While some may argue on whether or not cell phones are necessary in the countries that do use them, the countries that they don’t exist in are not suffering from the lack of them. Computers do help with many things such as discovering new medicines and such.

Free Write

My behavior changes based on who I’m around. Typically, I am a very sarcastic person, and I enjoy making jokes constantly. Some people just weren’t given the gift of sarcasm and simply don’t understand it, and that’s ok. But, I have to always be sure to caution myself around those people and censor what I say to avoid accidentally offending them. Your behavior changes based on who you are around and the setting that you are in with those people. You could go to a sporting event with a friend and act loud, obnoxious, and care-free throughout the whole game. But if you were to go to class with that same friend, you wouldn’t act the same just because you were with them, but your behavior would change based on the setting that you are placed in with said person.

How does your behavoir change based on who you are around?

My behavior changes based on who I’m around. Typically, I am a very sarcastic person, and I enjoy making jokes constantly. Some people just weren’t given the gift of sarcasm and simply don’t understand it, and that’s ok. But, I have to always be sure to caution myself around those people and censor what I say to avoid accidentally offending them. Your behavior changes based on who you are around and the setting that you are in with those people. You could go to a sporting event with a friend and act loud, obnoxious, and care-free throughout the whole game. But if you were to go to class with that same friend, you wouldn’t act the same just because you were with them, but your behavior would change based on the setting that you are placed in with said person.

Free Write 9/4

Discourse in writing is very important and very different, depending on whom is writing, to whom they are writing, and about what they are writing. Your personal discourse will dictate how you write, what vocabulary you use, and how you choose to use it. It may not be “proper” to some people, but if it is right to you and who you are writing to, then it is still considered proper, even if it differs from the typical view of proper writing. If someone were to say in an article in the New York Times, “Ya done did messed up” people would be appalled by such improper use of grammar. But if someone were to use that phrase in all seriousness in a paper for a small country town in southern Alabama, and it was a phrase that was commonly used in the area, it would be acceptable.

Make it interesting.

It’s hard to put a label on what specifically makes writing “good”. I’d say one of the most important things in writing is if it’s good quality. If what you’re reading doesn’t immediately grab your attention then you’re simply not going to continue reading it (unless forced to by an evil teacher). So writing needs to be interesting, exciting. It needs to draw you in and not let you go until the very last word. It should force you to read between the lines…to go further than just comprehending the words on the page. Good writing will make you not only analyze what you’re reading further, but also cause you analyze yourself, your life, and ways that you can relate to the topic being written about.
So, on the other hand, bad writing is easy to spot, because you don’t enjoy reading it. It shouldn’t matter what the topic is; anything can become interesting and riveting if it’s written about in an exhilarating way.

Home language ya’ll

My “home language” is rather different than the way I typically talk. I’m from Raleigh, North Carolina. Most people use words like “ya’ll” and terms like “might should” and everyone loves to drink sweet tea. My family is very southern. My mom and grandmother both have decently thick southern draws. But, I have always associated a deep southern accent with unintelligence and ignorance. I also love to be in the city. My favorite place in the world is New York City and my second favorite is Washington D.C. The “southern hospitality” culture has never really appealed to me, and I’ve always desired to live up in the north. I do use words like “ya’ll” in moderation (even though I cringe every time I do), and I do love a tall glass of sweet iced tea, but my heart is in the city, where my “home language” is quite often made fun of.

Grammar Rant: Like Really

Sooo…one thing that perturbs me to no end is when girls, (and occasionally guys), use the word “like” about 16 times in one sentence. For example:
“So like, o my gosh, the other day I like went to this like store and it had like all these like cute little like rings and and like bracelets and then it also had like the cutest like shirts and dresses. Like you would not believe how like cute everything was.”
Ok, really. Just LIKE shut up. What do you mean by “all these cute little like rings…”? Are they really rings? Or is it some new type of jewelry that resembles a ring but is not actually a ring and slightly different? Please. Just stop using the word like as a filler word.
Like really.